The Journal

Guides, tips, and stories that inspire and empower your journey to yoga and mindfulness.

PeoplePeople in the Flow: Asha Michibata

People in the Flow: Asha Michibata

Discover Asha's personal journey into yoga, the challenges she faced building her business, and her invaluable advice for aspiring yoga teachers and entrepreneurs.

PracticeYoga for beginners cover image

Yoga for Beginners: Benefits, Poses, and Tips to Get Started

Ready to get started with yoga? Here's everything you need to know—health benefits, beginner yoga poses, and tips—to set the foundation for a healthier you.

Product TipsHow to Clean Your Yoga Mat: Guide for Yogis

How to Clean Your Yoga Mat: Guide for Yogis

Whether you're a pro or just starting out, learning how to clean your yoga mat properly will enhance your practice and protect the mat for years to come.