
People In the Flow: Kunn Kunn

Kunn Kunn

Today, we're excited to share the inspiring journey of Kunn Kunn, a dedicated yogi who transformed her passion for yoga into a successful business and a way of life.

Before finding her calling in yoga, Kunn Kunn worked in various roles, from customer service to marketing executive and as a beauty advisor at an airport duty-free shop. Her diverse experiences add depth to her journey and showcase her resilience and determination.

With six years of teaching experience, Kunn Kunn has not only built a thriving yoga studio but also inspired countless students.

Join us as we chat with Kunn Kunn about her personal journey into yoga, the challenges she faced in building her studio, and her heartfelt advice for aspiring yoga teachers and entrepreneurs.

Roll out your yoga mat and prepare to be inspired!

Q: Can you tell us about your journey into yoga? What initially drew you to the practice?

My first encounter with yoga was in high school. At that time, I didn't know much about it and found it quite boring, so I stopped taking yoga classes. It was just slow and dull for me. After high school, I started working and spent several years in a high-pressure, fast-paced environment. I felt like I was gradually being consumed by society and losing my passion for life.

One day, during a visit to my hometown, I went to a yoga class with my sister. Surprisingly, I felt entirely different about yoga this time around. During that yoga class, I felt like time had stopped and all the stress had melted away. For the first time, I experienced the sensation of being in the present. It was magical and helped me rediscover joy in life.

Q: How has yoga influenced your life beyond the physical aspect?

For me, physical changes are superficial, whereas changes in the mind are fundamental. Yoga is more than a form of physical exercise for health; it’s a lifestyle and attitude towards life, rich in philosophical insights. Yoga is a metaphor for life itself.

Kunn Kunn

Yoga helps me calm my mind and focus inward, letting go of everything and fully engaging in each breath, uniting body, mind, and spirit. Through this practice, I gain the strength to face my daily life with a tolerant heart.

If you had known me years ago, you would definitely say I smile more now. Yoga helps me approach life with a positive and optimistic attitude. By treating everyone with love, we also open up to receiving love from people around us.

Q: What inspired you to become a yoga teacher and share your knowledge with others?

There are moments in life when you feel intense joy and peace within. These moments can come from any aspect of life, but to me, it is yoga. Imagine staying in this state throughout your day, you would experience so much freedom by letting go of the countless trivial matters that drag you down.

Because of that, I make spreading this high-energy state through yoga my mission. I strive to provide that beautiful experience to people around me—whether it’s my family, friends, colleagues, or students.

Q: What was the moment like when you decided to take the leap? Who was with you? Where were you? How did it feel before and after?

I was unemployed at the time, torn between finding a new job in Singapore or mustering up the courage to pursue my dream of starting my own yoga studio. I took a leap of faith because of my partner.

I still vividly remember his words. He told me that we should always fight for our dreams so we don’t live with regrets. Even if we failed, we would gain experience and memories—and we could always go back for a job if things don’t pan out.

Knowing the decision would be a significant turning point in our lives was an exciting and emotional moment for me. Indeed, it was. And the rest is history.

Q: Tell us more about your business. What do you teach? Where? And what unique things about your teaching style or your studio?

Our academy, AER Yoga Academy, is located in Johor Bahru. It integrates elements of art and life. We want to create a space for people who are inspired to live life with creativity and freedom.

Kunn Kunn teaching

In this era of change, fast-paced and high-pressure work and life put our minds and bodies under stress. People need a relaxing environment to unwind. An artistic setting helps people step away from the mundane and leave room for the imagination, providing better rest.

Therefore, we have designed our three branches with different styles, using natural green ecology as the main element and adding handcrafted goods to enhance the warmth of the space, allowing practitioners to immerse themselves in the peaceful environment.

Our academy's philosophy includes:

  • Seeking truth and authenticity. Remove superficiality and blind conformity, and return to the true essence of yoga.
  • Embracing humility. Accept with an open mind and learn with a humble attitude.
  • Yoga, art, and life integration. Incorporate strengths from various disciplines to achieve a harmonious blend.

Q: Could you share some challenges you faced while building your yoga business?

The most challenging part was filling the studio with students in the beginning. To be closer to nature and away from the city noise, I chose to open the studio at a rather remote location. The area was underdeveloped at the time, surrounded by a small forest—with a very soothing sound from nature. Thankfully, students who discovered the space enjoyed it and were willing to travel to us.

Q: How do you stay connected with your students and community, especially during challenging times?

In addition to regular classes at the academy, we often organize themed activities such as workshops, outdoor yoga sessions, and yoga retreats. These activities allow us to spend more time interacting and bonding with our students.

The most challenging period was during COVID-19 when we couldn't operate for a year. We switched to online teaching, offering various classes to keep students engaged at home. That became a channel for our community to share positive energy and joyful stories, which was very much needed at that time.

Q: What are some of the most rewarding aspects of being a yoga teacher and entrepreneur?

Teaching yoga is about sharing and passing on life experiences. It's deeply rewarding when my students start exploring within, understanding the meaning of each yoga session, and fully sharing their feelings with me. Seeing them gradually release tension and find relaxation in their hearts brings me immense joy. This is my Dharma, my mission.

Q: Have you had any memorable moments or experiences that have shaped your teaching philosophy?

I once hosted an outdoor yoga session at the foot of a mountain. I was unsure about it because I had a feeling that something could go wrong. Lo and behold, the rain started pouring in halfway through the session. Instead of being upset, my students enjoyed the refreshing rain—flowing with it as if the rain had cleansed their souls.

That moment reinforced my belief that I am on the right path, bringing students back to nature, embracing the earth, and feeling the warmth of Mother Nature. Since then, I've frequently taken students into the mountains and forests to experience the energy of yoga combined with the earth.

Yoga class in nature

Q: What do you think about the yoga industry and community in Malaysia? What changes would you like to see?

I think the yoga community in Malaysia lacks cohesion. I hope there will be more collaboration and exchanges between studios across the country in the future. That would speed up the industry's maturity and spread the ideas of goodwill and healthy living to more people.

Q: How do you continue to grow and evolve personally and professionally within the yoga industry? What’s the next step for you?

Continuous learning and improvement are essential. Yoga is a lifelong practice that helps regulate one’s state and energy. Lately, I’ve been working on deepening my understanding of the "yoga lifestyle," aiming to fully integrate the yoga system—not just in terms of physical postures but also in passing on yoga wisdom.

Q: What advice would you give aspiring yoga teachers or entrepreneurs looking to build their brand in this field?

Always stay true to yourself, as only you can showcase your unique charm. The power that comes from within is the most genuine. Keep your passion alive because it makes your practice interesting, unique, and meaningful.

Teaching yoga creates a resonance between teacher and student, a collision of souls and inspiration. This resonance fills both with a glowing energy, making each yoga session special. Dedicate yourself to this energy, work hard, and pass it on.

Share with us your favorite yoga instructors

That’s a wrap! Do you have a favorite yoga teacher or entrepreneur in the industry? We'd love to hear about them! Send us their names via Instagram DM or email so we can spotlight the incredible individuals shaping the yoga community.

While you're here, take a moment to browse our online store. Whether you need a new yoga mat or some yoga props, we've got you covered. Dive in, find your favorites, and elevate your yoga practice to new heights!

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